Giving yourself critical feedback is one thing. Receiving it from others is a whole different ballpark. And while the latter might seem considerably more intimidating, it’s this true, unbiased feedback that often motivates us to act and create change.

Move Closer to Success with 360-Degree Feedback

Regardless of your role, industry, relationships, workplace—what have you—feedback is a necessary ingredient for growth. After all, if you’re never made aware of the things you can improve on, how are you ever going to start the journey of improving them? Sure, the mere prospect of negative feedback might be enough to tie your stomach in knots, but having an advisor like myself there to help gather, analyze, and deliver such feedback in a palatable way is where the road to success and positive change begins.

Improve Your Leadership, Improve Your Life

360-Degree Feedback takes this model and applies it to your personal and professional life, allowing you, the reviewee, to gather information about yourself and your leadership role that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Through this process of receiving confidential and anonymous feedback from your choice of colleagues, family members, customers, and/or direct reports, you’ll be able to easily pinpoint areas of improvement while piggy-backing off me to help you develop a plan for change and track your progress along the way.

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Contact David D. Krull